Meet the Team:
About Lisa

Lisa Russell

Director of Operations

As Director of Operations, Lisa oversees all happenings within the foundation, working very closely with the Board of Directors to ensure all is running properly and being done with love. She is also in charge of our outreach program: Zach’s Butterflies. 

Lisa Russell is married to Patrick and has 3 boys and 2 daughter in laws: Blake and Lindsay, Dawson and Allyson, and Zachary.
She was a florist for 22 years and loves designing and arranging flowers.  She have been an in home Caregiver now for over 4 years.  She loves working with her clients and listening to their stories, even if she’s heard them before. She loves to crochet, craft, play board games, plant flowers and take care of all her house plants.  (My husband thinks I have too many, but is that really possible?)  

She also has two dogs: Cooper (12 year old Beagle), and Ella (7 year old Black Lab).  They love biscuits and playing in the yard. She and Ella love to sit on her swing in the back yard and watch the birds and butterflies.   

“This foundation is very important to me.  It’s a way we can honor my youngest son Zachary, who lost his battle with Mental Illness when he was only 21.  We would love to help others going through struggles and trying to find help.  After my son passed away, I found it very hard to get the help I needed.   I was told I would be put on a waiting list and it could be 12-18 months.  This is just unacceptable!!  I was lucky to find a church that offered a grief counseling program.  It was so helpful to me.  We want to help others, whether its help funding therapy or guiding them with the resources to get help.

I have also started  Be sure to check it out sometime.  My husband and I, along with some family members, are crocheting butterflies and leaving them around for others to find.  We leave a little note of encouragement with it.   Maybe one day you will find one while you’re out and about.”